
Northwest Territories Judicial Remuneration Commission



The Northwest Territories Judicial Remuneration Commission conducts inquiries with respect to the salaries paid to territorial judges and the pension, vacation leave, sick leave and other benefits provided to territorial judges and makes recommendations to the Minister of Justice.


Government of the Northwest Territories

Department Responsible

Department of Justice


Territorial Court Act (NWT)

Board Composition

The Commission consists of three members.

The Minister of Justice nominates one member; the Chief Judge nominates one member; and these appointed members nominate a third member.

Alternate Members

There are no alternate members.

The legislation does not provide for the appointment of alternate members to the Commission.


The two members of the Commission nominate a third member, who will become the Chairperson.


There is no Vice-Chairperson.


The Act is silent on quorum.

Appointment Instrument

Members are appointed by the Commissioner in Executive Council under section 12.1(2) of the Territorial Court Act (NWT).

Term Duration

A member holds office for a term of four years and may be eligible for reappointment.

Time and Travel Requirements

The Commission meets as necessary to collect information required.


Remuneration for members are set at $100 per hour to a maximum of $750 a day. Reasonable expenses (limited to the cost of travel) are also paid to Commission members. 

Other Considerations

Members of the Commission have the powers of a board under the Public Inquiries Act.

The Commission may prepare procedural and administrative guidelines for its work.

An employee of the Public Service, member or former member of a law society in Canada or Legislative Assembly of the NWT, are not eligible for appointment to the Commission.

Upon approval of the Minister, the Commission may engage those with actuarial advice with respect to salaries and benefits of territorial judges.

Should a vacancy occur, the Commissioner in Executive Council may appoint another member to fill the vacancy for the unexpired term of the member being replaced, based on the nominating authority.

Current Membership

Position Appointee Term Start Term Expiry Number of Terms Appointed By Nominating Authority
1. Chair David Gilday 2023-09-06 2027-09-05 4th term Commissioner in Executive Council Members of the Commisssion
2. Member Gillian Susan Lee 2023-08-22 2027-08-21 2nd term Commissioner in Executive Council Chief Judge
3. Member Peter Vician 2023-08-22 2027-08-21 2nd term Commissioner in Executive Council Minister of Justice

(Board details as of Sep 08, 2024)