
Northwest Territories Health and Social Services Leadership Council



The Northwest Territories Health and Social Services Leadership Council (Leadership Council) shall direct the affairs of the Northwest Territories Health and Social Services Authority and provide advice to the Minister of Health and Social Services on strategic directions and programs.


Government of the Northwest Territories

Department Responsible

Department of Health & Social Services


Hospital Insurance and Health and Social Services Administration Act (NWT)

Board Composition

The Leadership Council is composed of a chairperson, the chairpersons from each of the Regional Wellness Councils (RWC), and the chairperson of the Tłı̨chǫ Community Services Agency.

Alternate Members

There are no alternate members.

The Act does not provide for the appointment of alternate members to the regional council.


The Chairperson is appointed by the Minister of Health and Social Services.


A Vice-Chairperson will be selected in accordance with the Leadership Council bylaws.


Quorum is a majority of the members appointed.

Appointment Instrument

Members are appointed by the Minister of Health and Social Services under section 7 of the Hospital Insurance and Health and Social Services Administration Act.

Term Duration

A member holds office for a term not exceeding three years, as specified in the appointment instrument.

Term Limitations


The Act prohibits the appointment of a person for more than six consecutive years, unless the Minister is satisfied that there is no other qualified person available for appointment.

Time and Travel Requirements

The Leadership Council will have an annual general meeting and other meetings as required or authorized by its bylaws.


Members shall receive remuneration according to Executive Council classification and Financial Management Board Secretariat directives.

Category – Regulatory or Complex

Chairperson - up to $400 per day

Member - up to $325 per day

Chair and members – 50% per half-day (i.e., 3.5 hours or less), for work on board business for each day of meetings

Other Considerations

People are eligible to serve as the Chairperson on a RWC if they are:

- Residents of the geographic area served by the RWC for at least six months immediately preceding the appointment;

- A Canadian citizen or permanent resident as defined by the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act;

- At least 19 years of age;

- Knowledgeable regarding the purpose, roles and responsibilities of the RWC;

- Experienced with a proven track record for participation in regional and territorial organizations or committees;

- Available for and committed to full participation as the Chairperson;

- A role model for healthy living;

- Prepared to sign a statement of ethics and confidentiality related to their duties;

- Able to demonstrate that they are not in a position of conflict with respect to their role as the Chairperson;

- Respected within the region for his or her skills, knowledge and ability;

- Have effective leadership skills, including skills required for effective facilitation and management of meetings;

- Have the ability to understand complex issues and the ability to discuss them with a wide range of interested groups; and

- Understand the legislative framework.

People cannot serve as Chairperson on a RWC if:

- they or their spouse work for or provide services for the health and social services system within the region;

- they are a Member of the Legislative Assembly or a Member of Parliament of Canada;

- they have, within the last three years, been convicted of an offence under the Criminal Code and who was sentenced to a term of imprisonment.

Current Membership

Position Appointee Term Start Term Expiry Number of Terms Appointed By Nominating Authority
1. Chair Joseph Gerard Cheezie 2022-08-01 2025-07-31 1st term Minister of Health and Social Services
2. Member
(Chair of Beaufort Delta RWC)
Ethel-Jean Gruben 2024-01-02 2026-07-31 1st term Minister of Health and Social Services
3. Member
(Chair of Dehcho RWC)
Muaz Hassan 2023-08-01 2026-07-31 2nd term Minister of Health and Social Services
4. Member
(Chair of Fort Smith RWC)
Dianna Korol 2024-08-01 2027-07-31 1st term Minister of Health and Social Services
5. Member
(Chair of Hay River RWC)
Brian Willows 2024-08-01 2025-07-31 3rd term Minister of Health and Social Services
6. Member
(Chair of Sahtu RWC)
Brenda T'Seleie 2022-08-12 2025-07-31 1st term Minister of Health and Social Services
7. Member
(Chair of Yellowknife RWC)
Ms. Nancy Trotter 2022-08-12 2025-07-31 2nd term Minister of Health and Social Services
8. Member
(Chair of Tłı̨chǫ Community Services Agency)
(Vacant - 2 year term) Minister of Health and Social Services

(Board details as of Jan 19, 2025)