
Mining Industry Advisory Board



The Mining Industry Advisory Board was established to provide non-binding independent strategic advice to the Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment on the mining and mineral exploration resource sector in the Northwest Territories.


Government of the Northwest Territories

Department Responsible

Department of Industry, Tourism & Investment


NWT Mineral Development Strategy (NWT)

Board Composition

The Board will be comprised of five to eight members, including the Chairperson.

Alternate Members

There are no alternate members.

The Strategy does not provide for the appointment of alternate members on the Board.


The Chairperson is appointed by the Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment from amongst the Board members.


There is no Vice-Chairperson.


The Strategy is silent on quorum.

Appointment Instrument

Members are appointed by the Minister Industry, Tourism and Investment under the NWT Mineral Development Strategy.

Term Duration

A member holds office for a term of one year and may be eligible for reappointment.

Time and Travel Requirements

The Board meets twice a year at a mutually agreed location; one of these meetings will take place within the NWT and the other may be held by teleconference call, when necessary. 


Members shall receive remuneration according to Executive Council classification and Financial Management Board Secretariat directives.

Category - Advisory

Chairperson – up to $300 per day

Member – up to $250 per day

Chair and members – 50% per half-day (i.e., 3.5 hours or less), for work on board business for each day of meetings

Other Considerations

Individuals appointed will have direct knowledge or expertise relevant to the NWT minerals industry in the areas of geoscience, policy and regulation as well as issues affecting the industry's future growth.

(Board details as of Sep 08, 2024)