
Medical Registration Committee



The Medical Registration Committee reviews and decides upon applications from persons who wish to practice medicine in the Northwest Territories.


Government of the Northwest Territories

Department Responsible

Department of Health & Social Services


Medical Profession Act (NWT)

Board Composition

Members include three medical practitioners, one representative of the Department of Health and Social Services, one layperson, and a Registrar.

Three medical practitioners are nominated by the Northwest Territories Medical Association.

Alternate Members

There are two alternate members. One alternate is nominated by the Northwest Territories Medical Association and the other alternate is nominated by the Department of Health and Social Services.


The Committee designates a Chairperson from amongst the members nominated by the Northwest Territories Medical Association.


There is no Vice-Chairperson.


Quorum is three members.

Appointment Instrument

Members are appointed by the Minister of Health and Social Services under section 2(2) of the Medical Profession Act.

Term Duration

A member holds office for a term of two years and may be eligible for reappointment.

Time and Travel Requirements

The Committee meets in Yellowknife, as needed.


Members shall receive remuneration according to Executive Council classification and Financial Management Board Secretariat directives.

Category - Regulatory/Quasi-Judicial

Chairperson - up to $400 per day

Member - up $325 per day

Chair and members – 50% per half-day (i.e., 3.5 hours or less), for work on board business for each day of meetings

Other Considerations


Current Membership

Position Appointee Term Start Term Expiry Number of Terms Appointed By Nominating Authority
1. Chair (Vacant - 2 year term) Minister of Health and Social Services NWT Medical Association
2. Member Dr. Pauweliena Laureijs 2024-02-16 2027-02-15 5th term Minister of Health and Social Services NWT Medical Association
3. Member Dr. Theresa Farrell 2023-06-07 2025-06-06 1st term Minister of Health and Social Services NWT Medical Association
4. Member
(Lay Member)
Patricia Winter 2024-02-22 2024-10-04 11th term Minister of Health and Social Services
5. Member
Ravan Bedingfield 2021-12-11 At Pleasure n/a Minister of Health and Social Services
6. Alternate Dr. Darcy Scott 2024-03-11 2026-03-10 1st term Minister of Health and Social Services NWT Medical Association
7. Member Dr. Bing Guthrie 2024-02-22 2024-10-10 7th term Minister of Health and Social Services NWT Medical Association

(Board details as of Sep 08, 2024)