
International Porcupine Caribou Board



The International Porcupine Caribou Board administers the bilateral agreement between Canada and the United States. The Board provides advice and recommendations to the Governments of Canada, Yukon, Northwest Territories, Alaska and the United States on matters relating to the protection and management of the porcupine caribou herd.


Government of Canada

Department Responsible

Department of Environment and Climate Change


International Agreement for the Conservation of the Porcupine Caribou Herd

Board Composition

The Board consists of four members from Canada and four members from the United States.

Of the Canadian membership, three members are nominated by their respective governments and the fourth member is the Chairperson of the domestic Porcupine Caribou Management Board.

Alternate Members

It is recognized that occasionally a member may be unable to attend a meeting, in which case, an alternate may be approved by the respective head of delegation and will carry full authority of that member.


One member of Canada and one member of the United States will serve as co-chair of the Board on a rotating basis within each country.


There is no Vice-Chairperson.


Quorum is six members, including three members from Canada and three members from the United States.

Appointment Instrument

Members are appointed by the appropriate Minister under the International Agreement for the Conservation of the Porcupine Caribou Herd.

Term Duration

A member holds office for a term of five years.

Term Limitations


The co-chairs may hold office for two consecutive terms.

Time and Travel Requirements

The Board holds meetings in user communities in Canada and Alaska.


Reimbursement of expenses for members is the responsibility of the entity they represent.

Other Considerations

Members appointed must have current technical knowledge (scientific, Aboriginal or local knowledge).

Members may be removed by the appropriate appointing authority.

Should a member resign or ceases to be a member for any reason, the affected entity should fill the vacancy as soon as possible.


*Information on the USA membership is currently unavailable and data is not accurately reflected.*

Current Membership

Position Appointee Term Start Term Expiry Number of Terms Appointed By Nominating Authority
1. Chair
(Canada member)
Craig Machtans
(Canada Co-Chair)
2021-04-01 2026-03-31 1st term Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada Environment and Climate Change Canada
2. Member
(Canada member)
Dr. Brett Elkin 2023-02-20 2028-04-30 2nd term Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada Government of the Northwest Territories
3. Member
(Canada member)
Marc Cattet 2021-04-01 2026-03-31 1st term Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada Government of Yukon
4. Member
(Canada member)
Joe Titlichi
(Chair of PCMB)
2022-04-14 2026-09-13 4th term Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada Porcupine Caribou Management Board (PCMB)
5. Chair
(USA member*)
(Vacant - 2 year term) US Secretary of State U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
6. Member
(USA member*)
(Vacant - 5 year term) US Secretary of State State of Alaska Department of Fish and Game
7. Member
(USA member*)
(Vacant - 5 year term) US Secretary of State Native Village of Kaktovik- Inupiat Representative
8. Member
(USA member*)
(Vacant - 5 year term) US Secretary of State Venetie Tribal Government and Venetie Village Council - G’wichin Representative

(Board details as of Feb 07, 2025)