
Environmental Studies Management Board



The NWT Environmental Studies Management Board was established to manage the Environmental Studies Research Fund. This fund finances environmental and social studies pertaining to oil and gas exploration, development, and production activities on lands within the NWT.

Funding is provided through levies paid by holders of petroleum exploration and production leases on NWT lands.


Government of the Northwest Territories

Department Responsible

Prosper NWT


Petroleum Resources Act (NWT)

Board Composition

The Board consists of five members, including the Chairperson.

Members of the Board are selected from the public service and from nominations by interest owners. Each of the Departments of Industry, Tourism and Investment and Environment and Natural Resources recommend a qualified staff member for GNWT representation. The Departments jointly recommend two industry members, nominated by the oil and gas industry, plus one member of the public.

Alternate Members

There are no alternate members.

The legislation does not provide for the appointment of alternate members on the Board.


The Chairperson is appointed by the Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment from amongst the Board members.


The Vice-Chairperson is chosen by the members of the Board.


The Act is silent on quorum.

Appointment Instrument

Members are appointed by the Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment under section 70(2) of the Petroleum Resources Act.

Term Duration

A member holds office during pleasure for a term of three years and may be eligible for reappointment.

Time and Travel Requirements

The Board meets at least twice a year in person and twice a year by teleconference. 

In person meetings last a full day, requiring two days of travel, at most. 


Board members are not paid honoraria for their meeting attendance. Each member of the Board shall be reimbursed for reasonable travel and accommodation expenses incurred by the member in the performance of their duties.

Other Considerations

Members of the Board must possess specialized technical knowledge or expertise relevant to the purpose of the Fund.

The Board is responsible for all aspects of the Fund, including setting priorities for study topics, determining program budget, facilitating the development of study proposals, and submitting an annual report to the Minister.

The Board may make bylaws regarding committees; calling and conduct of meetings; matters of business; performance of duties and functions of the Board; and other matters related to the operation of the Board.

Day-to-day administrative roles and communication requirements will be served by a small secretariat in the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (ENR).

Current Membership

Position Appointee Term Start Term Expiry Number of Terms Appointed By Nominating Authority
1. Chair
Andrew Applejohn 2021-06-26 2025-06-25 4th term Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment
2. Member
(Vacant - 3 year term) Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment
3. Member
(General Public)
Dr. Raymond Case 2021-06-26 2025-06-25 3rd term Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment
4. Member
(Oil & Gas industry)
Chad Grummett 2023-06-26 2026-06-25 2nd term Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment Interest owners
5. Vice-Chair
(Oil & Gas industry)
Gerald Inglangasuk 2023-10-16 2026-06-25 1st term Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment Interest owners
6. Member Andrew Applejohn 2021-06-26 2025-06-25 1st term Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment
7. Member Viktor Terlaky 2023-06-26 2026-06-25 2nd term Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment

(Board details as of Jan 19, 2025)